I’m on a panel at the ChiTeen Lit Fest this Saturday!
This Saturday, April 27, I'll be part of the panel on Cyberwriting, Fanficiton, Blogging, and More. (I'm the "and more" part, talking about creating and monetizing webcomics!) If you're a local teen aged 13-19, come check it out! It's a pretty amazing event.
Art of Death has a release date!
Art of Death, Lychgate Series Book 1, has now been scheduled for release! The novel will come out on September 3, 2019! You can expect to see a whole lot of news and events leading up to the release.
Demon of the Underground is Back on Tapas!
Since we're getting close to the public release of 25 new pages, I'm relaunching DOTU on some of the old mirror sites I couldn't fit into my schedule before. You can always find the comic at its home site, demonoftheunderground.com. But now, the comic is also back on Tapas with new mobile format episodes!